We celebrated four years of our collective in the incredibly festive Yard at the Victoria Stakes pub on Thursday 6th December. We were overwhelmed by how many people came out to support us. A massive thank you to our hugely generous hosts Ben and Lucy at the Victoria Stakes who made the night so very special for us all.
Members of Muswell Hill Creatives Wyckoff Smith Jewellery, Romor Designs, By Cecil, Jess Albert, Rachel Orme, Lord and Taft, Jo Angell and Isabella Lepri Ceramics all sold their beautiful work on the night.

Dave and Luciane of Village Raw magazine joined us to launch their fourth issue. They share our passion for all things creative and are a great team to work with. There was a display of photography by those who Dave and Luciane have worked with on their magazine - Chris King, Kate Kuziminova Photography and Dan Bridge. There was also an intriguing installation by dance artist and maker Jo Cork @jocorkdancedigi.
Thanks to Ben Wilson (aka Chewing Gum Man) for drawing the prizes in our Prize Draw with such panache! We were delighted to raise £190 for the social enterprise Wave Café which holds inclusive arts workshops and is hoping to open a permanent inclusive café in Muswell Hill.
2018 has been a great year for our collective and we look forward to more adventures in 2019. We were delighted to be featured in the Evening Standard about a movement of local creative activism and we had a great time popping up on Avenue Mews and the Victoria Stakes as well as holding FOUR markets in one year - including one very snowy one.
We would like to wish you all happy holidays and a massive THANK YOU for supporting local independent artists, designers and makers.
We would like to wish you all happy holidays and a massive THANK YOU for supporting local independent artists, designers and makers.
Muswell Hill Creatives 10% off - 1st-31st January 2019
Pick up the December/January issue for a 10% off code for Muswell Hill Creatives. *Terms & Conditions apply. Offer valid 0001hrs 1 January - Midnight 31 January 2019.
2019 Events
Monday 4 - Sunday 10 February - Muswell Hill Creatives Pop Up Shop, Ply Gallery, Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre, Crouch End. Guest stallholder applications will open in January 2019.
Saturday 16 March - 10.30am-4.30pm - Muswell Hill Creatives Spring Market, St James Square (outside Planet Organic), Muswell Hill.
Saturday 16 March - 10.30am-4.30pm - Muswell Hill Creatives Spring Market, St James Square (outside Planet Organic), Muswell Hill.